Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Here's the Thing...Support One Another

If we don't support one another, how can we expect the larger community to support the arts?

Example #1.  Fort Collins Fringe Festival.  I was pleased to see several people from the Fort Collins Chamber Music Society at several performances in the Afternoon...there were also a couple of us Visual Arts folks at the (um....awesome) after party at the Downtown Artery.  where were you?

I am not saying this to be mean or call anyone out, I just believe that in order to have a vital Creative Community, you have to take yourself out of the comfort of your own type of Art and see what other folks are doing.  The most famous Art movements didn't happen with visual Artists sticking in their studios or Theatre Artists only attending one another's plays, they happened when we support each other.

Example #2. Danielle Ate the Sandwich at the Otterbox Dome Theatre at the Museum of Discovery. Great venue, Great show.  Many Visual Artists in the Audience...we went out for a drink afterwards, talked about new directions our art was taking, etc, etc.  This evening would not have happened if we decided to stay home and be safe, it happened because we all wanted to see an Musical artist we love in an awesome venue.

Good things happen when you step out of your comfort zone.

Example #3.  Art exhibits at the Community Creative Center.  One of the better ideas The City of Fort Collins has had was to open up the CCC to unjuried Art Exhibits.  Okay, so these shows are not always stellar, but the great thing about this venue is that it allows Artists to exhibit (possibly for the first time ever) without being juried.  For some of us who have had the good fortune to have exhibited often, this is no big deal.  But for someone who is nervous about exhibiting their work it is a HUGE deal.  So, show up for a few minutes pick out something you like, find the artists and give them an 'atta girl!(or boy)'. Let them into the club, why be elitist in a city where our local newspaper doesn't even notice we have an Arts scene.

Really, what I am asking you is to ask yourself what you can do to help us create a Creative Community in Fort Collins that lifts up anyone who wants to create in any way they want, and supports those who are already doing it...Go see a play!  attend a dance performance!  listen to some chamber music!  Drop into a gallery!  Then... Talk about it with one another or on this blog.  Let's support one another people...with our money, with our time and with our engagement!

1 comment:

  1. I'd like to chat with you about some cross-promotion for the Loveland Art Studio Tour coming up in October! Please email: Thanks! Sheron


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