Monday, November 10, 2014

The Coloradoan keeps screwing up.

Fort Collins local paper, The Coloradoan has fired their Arts&Entertainment reporter, Stacey Nick.   Local Artists and art lovers can say goodbye to any kind of articles or reviews relating to the arts.  To many, The Coloradoan was already a bit of a 'kitty box liner'.  But, now, the paper has become a nonstarter when it comes to an active conversation and dialogue about the arts.  On the other hand, I have spoken to directors of Arts venues in Fort Collins and they insist, coverage by the Coloradoan about a opening, artist talk, performance, etc. brought many more people out than when the paper did not cover their event.   Regardless, this is yet another blow to Fort Collins' cultural community.  good luck, Stacey.  Go to a paper in a community that values you and the artists you cover.


  1. Would they be hiring someone else? Surely they understand that people actually get the paper to be able to see what the local art scene is doing. Don't they?

    1. She said she was 'layed off' to me, that implies that they will not hire another reporter on that beat.

  2. Very disappointing Fort Collins. Very short sighted.

  3. This is idiotic and undermines both artists and the community as a whole.


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