Thursday, May 28, 2015

Is Art Criticism Dead?

Or are we just too damn nice in Colorado?  Chloe Veltman, former Arts Director for CPR news left her position because of the inability to be a critic of the Arts Scene in Colorado.  I have spoken to many Creative folks in Northern Colorado that are STARVING for input, good or bad.   That is one reason I started this blog, to get the conversation hasn't worked as well as I had hoped.

What is the answer?  How do we connect and help one another grow in an atmosphere I have heard described as a "giant marshmallow"?

Streetmosphere is gone, and no one is raising a fuss, least of which the Fort Collins City Council.  Comfort is a good thing, but maybe not the most inspiring thing for an Artist.  What do you think?


  1. Damn, just wrote a big comment and it didn't post. So I will try again. Elizabeth, You have tried to get a conversation going with the art community here on your blog and at the art dinners. Both are great ideas and so appreciated. Perhaps if anybody else out there is kinda shy like me, it is a bit of an effort to put myself out there but I try to make the effort. I'm not always in town anymore so I'm not always at the dinner. But the dinner at the community center isn't all that much fun. It seems kind of stiff. Perhaps sometime this summer we could have a "party" dinner where we just focus on getting to know each other. Loosen up a little and have some fun. Perhaps we could have it at a park or someone's home. I would be willing to host. If we got to know each other better, maybe the conversations would begin to flow! So, what does someone else think?

  2. I like Peggy's thoughts about having a gathering at a more casual location (though I haven't attended any of the hot dishes to date, so I can't say for sure). I've often thought of inviting over a couple of handfuls of artists for a pot luck with booze just to get to know people better. But I do have a lot of anxiety about going out and making small talk -- I'm not good at it. I do think that people are also struggling enough on their own and may just not have enough to give to the community for any number of reasons. They're just trying to get the rent paid and get through the day, a lot of times. And by "they're" I mean "I'm" -- and I'm assuming I'm not alone in that.

    I'm baffled about the story you linked to above. Why would CO Public Radio forbid the arts editor to opine on the art? Isn't that her job? I'm really confused. Is there a consortium of Big Artists with money who have a stranglehold on the media in CO? In its desire to be pleasant and attract businesses and complimentary national magazine articles has NoCo lost sight of what makes it so cool?

    After a few years of being away from being involved in the art scene here, I miss it. I miss the camaraderie, I miss the exchange of ideas. I miss seeing the smiles on the faces of people looking at my work. But I don't miss the stress of putting on shows and trying to come up with enough money for renting the gallery and hoping people will buy art so that we can keep our space. I don't miss the unprofessional manners of many in the community (though this isn't a problem just within the arts community). I'm not sure what the answer is, Elizabeth. I'm sure there are much smarter people than myself out there who might have answers, but if they don't speak up, I'd be willing to give it another shot. :)


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