Thursday, March 31, 2016

Here we go!

There's something new in store at the Community Creative Center. We need your help to create it!

Breathe life into the Lower Level Classroom and help create a “Do-er” space filled with equipment and supplies where artists and crafters can drop-in to create and collaborate. Is this something that would be of value to you? What would it look like? How can you help?
This space is awaiting you and our creative colleagues to offer guidance, time, energy, resources, equipment, and creativity to build just such a place for our creative community!
Join us to start creating and building this community art space on Tuesday, April 12, 4:30-5:30pm at the Community Creative Center, Lower Level Classroom.


  1. Words always sound so great on paper but without action to back them up, little is ever accomplished. An Art Czar is a wonderful concept only I don't know anyone Who wants to work 70 hour weeks, deal with artist's temperaments, plus all the city crud as a "volunteer." Many cities have programs where artists team up with residents to display art on public lawns. I've attempted to implement this, but to no avail. No one person can do it all by themselves, and I suggest joining an already established gallery or the Bohemian Foundation which support your local artists. Talk is cheap, especially when it's not backed by sticking out your neck. Everyone wants something for themselves, but few are ready to work really hard for it. Therefore, the arts will ALWAYS suffer.

  2. I am sorry you are so discouraged.

    I have heard three people who would be interested in applying for an Arts Coordinator position even if it is given at a low compensation. People who are passionate for the arts are often underpaid. They get joy out of the work and truely enjoy what they do.
    "Artists temperaments" are no different from anyone in another field, there are many different people in all walks of life, some are easy to deal with...some are not.

    The Bohemnian Foundation supports Musicians, exclusively. They do not fund performing or visual artists, and galleries in Fort Collins are few and far between.

    The arts WILL suffer if we all take an attitude of defeat, we must communicate to our elected leaders the importance of the arts and supporting our local Artists. I think a City Arts Coordinator and/or City funded Arts Council is the way forward.


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