NoCo Artists is excited to be calling for scores from composers who live or work in the Northern Colorado area for our 2016 three concert living artists series, Elemental. These concerts will take place in the Midtown Arts CenterBallroom in central Fort Collins. We are seeking original compositions less than 8 minutes in length that appeal to a diverse audience and can be learned by professional musicians with limited rehearsal time spread across approximately 5 rehearsals. These do not need to be premiere performances. A workshop session with musicians and composers may be scheduled a month in advance of rehearsals to allow for score fine tuning. There will be approximately 5 compositions selected from the call for scores for each program. Approximately 2 of the 5 pieces selected will be from emerging composers who are not published or regularly receiving commission work. There are separate deadlines for each program so please read the details closely. There will be some consideration as to how well the piece fits within the theme for that particular program. Please submit scores in pdf format and mention if you are a professional or emerging composer. If at all possible also submit a recording of your composition. A midi or mp3 sound file is preferred over no sound file at all. It is preferred that the composer will be able to attend the concert that a composition is being submitted for. A season ticket will be awarded to any composer who has a piece selected for inclusion as well as a small stipend. Please contact Scott Stewart at with any questions.
2016 Living Artists Series: Elemental
Fire and Water – January 23rd, 2016, 7 P.M. – SUBMISSION DEADLINE NOVEMBER 7th, 2015
Compositions using any combination of the following will be considered: 2 violin, 1 viola, 1 cello, 1 piano, 1 percussionist, 1 Bb clarinet or bass clarinet, 1 oboe or English horn, 1 flute or alto flute or various other flutes as available
Wind – February 20th, 2016, 7 P.M. – SUBMISSION DEADLINE DECEMBER 5th, 2015
Compositions using any combination of the following will be considered: 1 flute or alto flute or various other flutes, 1 oboe or English horn, 1 Bb clarinet or bass clarinet, 1 French horn, 1 bassoon, 1 piano, 3 percussionist
Earth – April 30th, 2016, 7 P.M. – SUBMISSION DEADLINE JANUARY 23rd, 2016
Compositions for small orchestra will be considered. We will be making the official call on the number of instruments for the orchestra in mid-November. Any possible adjustments required will be announced at that point on theNoCo Artists Website and on NoCo Artists Facebook page.