Monday, April 4, 2016


The TILT Annual Celebration of Academics in the Arts (TACAA) is excited to announce its opening gallery and reception on Saturday, April 9, from 6 to 8 p.m. The reception will be held in the Grand Hall in the TILT building. The CSU and Fort Collins community are cordially invited to this first annual event. All are welcome to attend!

TILT or The Institute of Learning and Teaching’s Learning Programs are designed to enhance the educational experience of students at CSU by enhancing academic skills, supporting work in courses, offering enrichments that go beyond the classroom and providing preparation for life after graduation. Main Coordinator Connor Kealey feels as though TACAA helps to achieve this mission “by asking artists to engage with academic rigor within their creative works and also by choosing such a timely theme to frame this year’s gallery.”

During this event the winners will be recognized for first, second and third place. Guests will have the opportunity to speak with the winners and other participants about the gallery and global justice.

“We were so thrilled with the amount of interest that we’ve received for this gallery. I think the TILT building is such a beautiful venue to celebrate academics in the arts and all of the hard work put in by these talented artists,” said Laura Esposito, TACAA communications coordinator.

Any questions or concerns about the gallery opening reception can be sent to

Please note: Parking around the TILT building is free on the weekend, but please be aware of parking signage, as some areas require payment or a permit for guests.

1 comment:

  1. We really hope to see a good turn out from the community. It was the TACAA planning committee's goal to really involve the community of Fort Collins into this arts program. There will be local art and music. Food for all to enjoy!


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