NoBo Art District, an artist-member, business and friend-supported art organization in north Boulder, Colorado, seeks to commission Colorado artists or teams of artists to create and install sidewalk paintings on the east and west sides of North Broadway, from the intersections of Rosewood Avenue to Yellow Pine Avenue, centering on the "Village Center" at Yarmouth Avenue and Broadway. Our project, PLACE (PLacemaking by Art and Community Engagement) is one step toward a larger vision that re-imagines north Boulder through streetscapes and public art, making NoBo one of Boulder's premier art destinations. The project goals include: 1) enhancing the visual corridor, a primary thoroughfare into the City of Boulder, with high quality public art, 2) building community among the neighbors and local businesses, 3) creating pedestrian friendly experiences, 4) supporting the local economy and 5) defining north Boulder as an Art District.
This call is open to all Colorado residents 18 years-of-age and over. Extra consideration will be given to Boulder County artists. However, the jury will focus on the excellence of design, the highest consideration in the selection process.
Artists are welcome to collaborate on entries.
(NoBo Art District Board members and those who have helped write or are named in the grant proposal are ineligible to participate.)
The selection process will be "blind." The jury is comprised of local artists who have shown their work nationally and internationally, an art instructor, art curators and landscape architect. All submitted images must be devoid of any reference to the artist. If your name or reference to your company appears on your images, your submission will not be considered. Artists' names must appear on the file submitted as instructed below.
We are particularly interested in designs emphasizing north Boulder as a place, visually connecting sidewalks across roads and intersections. Note: we are not painting the streets. For example, the head of a fish at one end of the sidewalk and the tail of a fish on the sidewalk across the street thematically would link the two together. Each submission will be judged for its artistic excellence and relevance to the north Boulder neighborhood, uniqueness of the design, and ease of installation.
Please read the following position statement and words defining north Boulder crafted by our community at a recent public meeting:
Position Statement
Boulder's identity as an art destination will be enhanced through the artistic focus on placemaking of this unique neighborhood. NoBo Art District thrives in the middle of a diverse community. New construction on the east side of Broadway contrasts long-established businesses on the west side. Boulder's homeless shelter and affordable housing diverge from the neighborhood's million dollar homes. High-end restaurants market their delicacies along side food trucks. Bicyclists and mountain lions roam the same territory, a place where the plains meet the mountains!
Words Defining North Boulder from Community Members
Alive * First Friday Art * active * bikers * artists' haven * gritty * excitement driving through NoBo * beautiful, radiant, dramatic light * today's light caresses ancient landslides natural beauty * innovative * creative spirit * casual atmosphere * cauldron of opportunities * community * unlit nightscape * out-of-city dwellers * contemporary * crossroads * contrasts in quality, new and old * urban * off beat * potential, developing open opportunities * edge of the rural landscape * scrappy * vintage * good restaurants * inclusive * individualistic * inviting * less crowded * unique to our city * multi-dimensional * old, but so NEW! * new restaurants, shops * old strip mall * quirky * really needs some public ART!
Design Guidelines
Mural design(s) should cover approximately 600 square feet. Up to fifty percent of the sidewalk can be covered.
Sidewalk widths differ on the east and west sides of North Broadway (from 5' to 15'). Therefore, if your design is selected, it may need to be modified to fit the sidewalk location to which it will be assigned. The images below identify the areas where the sidewalks may be painted.
Include a scale drawing, one inch per foot. An example of other sidewalk art from around the country is posted on our Pinterest page: Placemaking
(These examples are for inspiration only and include other public art ideas.)
Murals selected by the jury must be reviewed by the City of Boulder's Transportation Department and NoBo Art District PLACE Project Team to insure pedestrian safety and cohesiveness of overall design.
NoBo Art District will provide painting supplies: brushes, sprayers and low-toxicity, water-based, lead-free paint made for street painting. Non-skid grit will be added to the paint. Artists may only use the paint supplied by NoBo Art District.
Accepted Work
Once selections have been awarded, artists will be working with the NoBo Art District's PLACE Project Team to further refine designs to best fit the location of each painting and to conform to public safety concerns as defined by the Boulder Department of Transportation.
All work submitted must be the sole creation of the artist or artist team. Except for publicity purposes and merchandising for the NoBo Art District, the design remains the property of the artist. Artists or artist teams will be paid a stipend of $1,250. per implemented design at the completion of the installation.
Deadlines and Events
- Entries must be emailed to by midnight on May 15, 2015.
- E-mail notification of acceptance or denial will be announced by June 7, 2015
- Painting of sidewalks is estimated to begin the week of September 8, 2015. Artists will paint during daylight hours only and have three consecutive days to complete their work.
- Artists' Reception/Block Party is planned on September 19, 2015.
1. Entries must be sent via email to
2. Work will be juried from digital submissions only. Each artist can submit up to three digital entries and one text file. Images should be in uncompressed JPG form, 125 dpi at a size that can be viewed on screen by the panel. It is best not to submit "web-optimized" images, as they do not translate well.
3. Please name image files with Artist Name, Title of Piece, Entry Letter, and Consecutive Number for each image of the same entry. (For instance, "ArtistName-Title-A1.JPG"). Be sure images are oriented properly for viewing as our jurors will not rotate images to view them.
4. The text file should be a Word, JPG or PDF file and include the information listed on the entry form below. Please name the text file with Artist Name, Title of Piece, Entry Letter, and the word 'text.' (For instance, "ArtistName-Title-A-text.PDF")
If you do not receive an email from the NoBo Art District acknowledging receipt of your entry, your email did not arrive and a follow up call to 301-909-8219 is suggested. Any additional questions you have will be answered via email at:
5. Copy and paste the entry forms below, for each piece entered and attach the file(s) with your submission.
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