Monday, January 26, 2015

Surprising numbers when it comes to Colorado and the Arts

The Denver Post reports that Colorado ranks number one in an NEA survey for numbers of trips to theaters, concert halls and museums.  National Endowment for the Arts data put us significantly ahead of our peers, with nearly 52 percent of adults reporting attendance at live performing arts events, above the national average of 37.4 percent. An even greater number, 59.2 percent, say they went to a visual arts event, topping the country's total of 39 percent.

Wow!  All of this without at State Arts Council, per se.  This is what we have in Colorado, I wonder what the numbers are in Northern Colorado?


  1. I would consider Colorado Creative Industries a pretty solid state arts council...yes?

  2. In my opinion, an arts council supports individual artists through grants. All of the calls I have seen from CCI are not for individual artists, they concentrate on organizations.

  3. There's this:
    Not a grant, but an award that seeks a matching amount. I completely understand where you're coming from...literally. MD has a great grant program, but each state does what it can with available funds.

    On the same subject, this morning I heard this:


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