Okay, I admit, I have procrastinated getting my butt into "Wool Hat'. So, after a trip to the Library on this beautiful day, I decided to meander over to this shop. SO GLAD! They have beautiful pottery and lots of funky, repurposed furniture and accessories. It is a great place to get something that combines form and function. check them out here.
Weblog covering gallery openings, theatre performances, music, dance, all topics about the arts in Northern Colorado.
Saturday, November 29, 2014
Friday, November 28, 2014
Interesting stuff from "Tattletales" program on KRFC
Co-founder Denise Burson-Freestone is fond of saying artists are the
largest sector of philanthropists in our community because they give
their time and their work away for free.
What artist or entertainer in Northern Colorado hasn’t been asked to donate something to a silent auction or perform for free at an event? And the return they are offered for this investment is the unholy grail of EXPOSURE!
Now I don’t want to get off on a rant here, but artists don’t need EXPOSURE! They need healthy bank accounts.
Local artist and Beet Street Board Member Amelia Caruso says she’s not just pissed at the organizations asking for freebies: Others are equally culpable, starting with the institutions and non-profits that see how well art sells, so they put on fundraiser auctions with the promise of EXPOSURE!
“That’s an insult,” says Amelia. These organizations pay for the food. They pay for the staff to run the event. They pay the art buyers by giving them a tax write-off. The only person that gets nothing is the artist or performer.”
The second group that irritates Amelia is the “gleaners.”
These people go to fundraisers and buy artwork for sometimes less than a quarter of the original price. Those profiting from the event have no investment in the artist so, even though the artist asks them not to sell their work for less than a specific price, they sell it at a lower price to get what they can.
Amelia recalls gleaners who have said to her face they collect her work, yet have never bought anything directly from her or her galleries.
The third group pissing Amelia off is the artists and entertainers themselves. “Why do they continue to donate like this?” she asks. “Why do they continue to devalue not only their work but everyone else’s in town.”
Why would anyone buy art at regular prices when they can find quality artwork at a price lower than it costs the artist to make it?
Amelia says, “Artists don’t understand how to value their work. If you can’t explain to someone how to properly price your work, then how can you demand that price and expect respect for that price?
Value and respect is what this is all about, according to Amelia.
Toolbox Creative Co-founder Dawn Putney experienced much of the same attitude during discussions with the Downtown Development Authority regarding the Old Town renovation.
The DDA approached Dawn’s ArtLab organization requesting artists and performers assist in drawing shoppers to Old Town during the renovation process by performing or creating their art in public.
When the topic of paying the artists came up, however, the DDA again played the EXPOSURE! card and suggested a range of $500 to $2,000 for a month-long participation. Ultimately, they raised that figure to $2,000 for “big ideas,” but had no idea how to identify these big ideas
In the end, the DDA developed a rather labyrinthian application process that may have scared away some artists and performers. Still several agreed to a payment of $2,000.
While researching payments for similar projects in major cities, Dawn was appalled to find Chicago, Los Angeles and New York all asked artists to provide freebies.
As Judy Garland famously said, “Glamour doesn’t pay the bills.” Enough is enough, particularly when you consider how much money the arts contribute to local economies.
Coloradoan Columnist and Cultural Mini-philanthropist Michelle Venus cited a Colorado Business Committee for the Arts study in her Nov. 20 column. The study concluded “arts, cultural and scientific organizations generated $1.85 billion in economic activity in 2013 for the Denver metro area.”
This includes money spent at restaurants, coffee houses, parking structures, etc., when people visit a museum, attend a performance or view art in a gallery.
It also includes salaries paid to 10,205 cultural workers, a figure that grew 9 percent in two years.
The local art council Beet Street ran a study in 2009 of Larimer County’s “Creative Vitality,” as compared to the rest of the United States in the same year. They found Fort Collins’ creative industry contributed more than $60 million to our local economy.
In addition, Beet Street found Larimer County artists, writers and performers contributed nearly $35,000 to our economy in 2009.
That’s an increase from nearly $16,000 contributed to our economy in 2005, according to a City of Fort Collins Economic Impact study of nonprofit arts and cultural organizations.
With so much money pouring into the city, thanks to our cultural offerings, there must be a way we can provide stability for the visual and performing arts that draw these audiences.
OpenStage Co-founder Bruce Freestone has had the answer for some time, and he’s been pounding the street to raise interest, but so far he’s received nothing but token support.
Bruce wants Fort Collins to vote on a Science and Cultural Funding District, or SCFD, so cultural non-profits will have a steady stream of financing. The SCFD model is similar to our Poudre Valley Library District in that it would distribute funds from a sales and use tax to cultural facilities.
Denver has had a highly successful SCFD since 1989, which largely operates on a 1/10th of 1-percent sales and use tax, which equates to one penny on a $10 purchase.
The funds support cultural facilities whose primary mission is to enlighten and entertain the public through the production, presentation, exhibition, advancement and preservation of art, music, theatre, dance, zoology, botany, natural history and cultural history.
Denver continued to support the SCFD in 1994 and again in 2004, by voting to extend the tax with 65-percent voter approval. Denver’s distribution budget to creative entities is approximately $40 million annually.
Bruce is looking toward placing an SCFD tax request on the 2016 ballot, but work has to start pronto if this is going to be accomplished.
Bruce told me everyone he’s talked to has supported the SCFD, but nobody has stepped up to the plate to actually lead work on research, polling, developing the ballot initiative language, gathering petition signatures and all the other requirements that must be met before the people have a chance of voting on our SCFD.
This funding would allow non-profits to add much-needed staff so they can grow their creative offerings, instead of just maintaining the status quo. Bruce suggested additions could include after-school programs, touring, outreach, and much more.
Well, I guess that’s enough pontificating for one day.
Thanks for listening, happy campers. Bye bye!
For more reviews, listen to Kate Forgach's Tattle Tales on KRFC 88.9
What artist or entertainer in Northern Colorado hasn’t been asked to donate something to a silent auction or perform for free at an event? And the return they are offered for this investment is the unholy grail of EXPOSURE!
Now I don’t want to get off on a rant here, but artists don’t need EXPOSURE! They need healthy bank accounts.
Local artist and Beet Street Board Member Amelia Caruso says she’s not just pissed at the organizations asking for freebies: Others are equally culpable, starting with the institutions and non-profits that see how well art sells, so they put on fundraiser auctions with the promise of EXPOSURE!
“That’s an insult,” says Amelia. These organizations pay for the food. They pay for the staff to run the event. They pay the art buyers by giving them a tax write-off. The only person that gets nothing is the artist or performer.”
The second group that irritates Amelia is the “gleaners.”
These people go to fundraisers and buy artwork for sometimes less than a quarter of the original price. Those profiting from the event have no investment in the artist so, even though the artist asks them not to sell their work for less than a specific price, they sell it at a lower price to get what they can.
Amelia recalls gleaners who have said to her face they collect her work, yet have never bought anything directly from her or her galleries.
The third group pissing Amelia off is the artists and entertainers themselves. “Why do they continue to donate like this?” she asks. “Why do they continue to devalue not only their work but everyone else’s in town.”
Why would anyone buy art at regular prices when they can find quality artwork at a price lower than it costs the artist to make it?
Amelia says, “Artists don’t understand how to value their work. If you can’t explain to someone how to properly price your work, then how can you demand that price and expect respect for that price?
Value and respect is what this is all about, according to Amelia.
Toolbox Creative Co-founder Dawn Putney experienced much of the same attitude during discussions with the Downtown Development Authority regarding the Old Town renovation.
The DDA approached Dawn’s ArtLab organization requesting artists and performers assist in drawing shoppers to Old Town during the renovation process by performing or creating their art in public.
When the topic of paying the artists came up, however, the DDA again played the EXPOSURE! card and suggested a range of $500 to $2,000 for a month-long participation. Ultimately, they raised that figure to $2,000 for “big ideas,” but had no idea how to identify these big ideas
In the end, the DDA developed a rather labyrinthian application process that may have scared away some artists and performers. Still several agreed to a payment of $2,000.
While researching payments for similar projects in major cities, Dawn was appalled to find Chicago, Los Angeles and New York all asked artists to provide freebies.
As Judy Garland famously said, “Glamour doesn’t pay the bills.” Enough is enough, particularly when you consider how much money the arts contribute to local economies.
Coloradoan Columnist and Cultural Mini-philanthropist Michelle Venus cited a Colorado Business Committee for the Arts study in her Nov. 20 column. The study concluded “arts, cultural and scientific organizations generated $1.85 billion in economic activity in 2013 for the Denver metro area.”
This includes money spent at restaurants, coffee houses, parking structures, etc., when people visit a museum, attend a performance or view art in a gallery.
It also includes salaries paid to 10,205 cultural workers, a figure that grew 9 percent in two years.
The local art council Beet Street ran a study in 2009 of Larimer County’s “Creative Vitality,” as compared to the rest of the United States in the same year. They found Fort Collins’ creative industry contributed more than $60 million to our local economy.
In addition, Beet Street found Larimer County artists, writers and performers contributed nearly $35,000 to our economy in 2009.
That’s an increase from nearly $16,000 contributed to our economy in 2005, according to a City of Fort Collins Economic Impact study of nonprofit arts and cultural organizations.
With so much money pouring into the city, thanks to our cultural offerings, there must be a way we can provide stability for the visual and performing arts that draw these audiences.
OpenStage Co-founder Bruce Freestone has had the answer for some time, and he’s been pounding the street to raise interest, but so far he’s received nothing but token support.
Bruce wants Fort Collins to vote on a Science and Cultural Funding District, or SCFD, so cultural non-profits will have a steady stream of financing. The SCFD model is similar to our Poudre Valley Library District in that it would distribute funds from a sales and use tax to cultural facilities.
Denver has had a highly successful SCFD since 1989, which largely operates on a 1/10th of 1-percent sales and use tax, which equates to one penny on a $10 purchase.
The funds support cultural facilities whose primary mission is to enlighten and entertain the public through the production, presentation, exhibition, advancement and preservation of art, music, theatre, dance, zoology, botany, natural history and cultural history.
Denver continued to support the SCFD in 1994 and again in 2004, by voting to extend the tax with 65-percent voter approval. Denver’s distribution budget to creative entities is approximately $40 million annually.
Bruce is looking toward placing an SCFD tax request on the 2016 ballot, but work has to start pronto if this is going to be accomplished.
Bruce told me everyone he’s talked to has supported the SCFD, but nobody has stepped up to the plate to actually lead work on research, polling, developing the ballot initiative language, gathering petition signatures and all the other requirements that must be met before the people have a chance of voting on our SCFD.
This funding would allow non-profits to add much-needed staff so they can grow their creative offerings, instead of just maintaining the status quo. Bruce suggested additions could include after-school programs, touring, outreach, and much more.
Well, I guess that’s enough pontificating for one day.
Thanks for listening, happy campers. Bye bye!
For more reviews, listen to Kate Forgach's Tattle Tales on KRFC 88.9
My goal....
My goal in the next month is to go see some live music at Ace Gilettes. The place is in the basement of the Armstrong hotel in Old a town Fort Collins. It looks funky and I would love to hang out and listen to some live music. Here is their schedule, care to join me?
King o the Moon
by Tom Dudzick
Directed by Jonathan Farwell
Ten years after we met the Pazinski family in “Over the Tavern,” the innocence of the ‘50s has given way to the tumultuous ‘60s. But the plight and passions of this blue collar Catholic clan will continue to tickle and touch.Runs Nov 29-Jan 4, 2015
Thursday, 6:30pm
Friday-Saturday, 7:30pm
Sunday, 2:30pm
Ticket Pricing
$26, Regular
$20, Seniors (65+)
$18 Thursday Evenings & Sunday Matinees
$13, Students
$6, Low-income (Must show proof, i.e. Medicaid or Quest card)
$18, All matinee & Thursday Early-to-Bed Performances
More info at the Bas Bleu website here
Thursday, November 27, 2014
I know sometimes I use this blog as a sounding board to bring to attention things, I feel could be better about the Northern Colorado Arts Community. I think today is a good day to put that aside and focus on what we DO have here. A group of committed, talented Artists. Just look at the column to the right of this post, we are surrounded by people who are passionate and talented. Let's spend this next year supporting one another, regardless of if we have an 'Arts Council' or enough support from the city. The Community is us. Go to see each other perform, attend an art opening at a venue you have never been to, talk to one another, collaborate! Write a review for the blog. In other word, help each other become the best we can be! We can use all of our own resources and cause the change we wish to see.
I have had over 3.000 people visit this blog since I started it two months ago, that tells me we are all hungry to connect with each other in a meaningful way. This Thanksgiving, I am thankful for that connection and I hope we can make even more meaningful connections in the coming year. Thanks everyone for visiting the blog, submitting a review or announcement and being your creative self. You make NorthernColorado a wonderful place to live.
I have had over 3.000 people visit this blog since I started it two months ago, that tells me we are all hungry to connect with each other in a meaningful way. This Thanksgiving, I am thankful for that connection and I hope we can make even more meaningful connections in the coming year. Thanks everyone for visiting the blog, submitting a review or announcement and being your creative self. You make NorthernColorado a wonderful place to live.
Tuesday, November 25, 2014
Kids Literature to stage at CSU
A Year with Frog and Toad
by Robert & Willie Reale
Directed by Walt Jones
Nightly: Dec. 4, 5, 6, 7, 11, 12, 13, and 14, 7:30 p.m.
Matinees: Dec. 6, 7, 13, and 14, 2 p.m.
University Theatre, UCA
by Robert & Willie Reale
Directed by Walt Jones
Nightly: Dec. 4, 5, 6, 7, 11, 12, 13, and 14, 7:30 p.m.
Matinees: Dec. 6, 7, 13, and 14, 2 p.m.
University Theatre, UCA
Monday, November 24, 2014
Call For Entry Fiber Celebration 2015
Northern Colorado Weavers Guild invites all fiber artists to participate in our 41st annual juried exhibit Fiber Celebration 2015.
Pieces representing fiber media of all types are welcome, including weaving, spinning, dyeing, basketry, sculpture, felting, quilting, papermaking, knitting, crocheting, and embroidery.
All fiber artists may submit as many entries as desired. All items must be original, not executed under supervision, and completed within the last two years. Misrepresented items will be returned.
A. Functional Two & Three Dimensional - Household pieces meant to be used, such as rugs, coverlets, table linens, handspun yarn (for handspun yarn, state use).
B. Non-Functional Two Dimensional - Flat pieces emphasizing decorative and/or expressive ideas.
C. Non-Functional Three Dimensional - Pieces designed to occupy space, emphasizing decorative and/or expressive ideas.
D. Wearable -Garments or yardage designed to be worn (for yardage, state use).
E. Wearable Accessories (*new)– Purses, scarves, jewelry, hats, gloves, belts, etc.
Judging will be based on aesthetics, originality, craftsmanship, and suitability of technique and materials. If functional, the piece will also be judged on its appropriateness to purpose. The juror reserves the right to reclassify the piece if needed. All pieces must be less than 4 ft. x 5 ft. when hung.
Juror: Susan Wilson
Entry Fee (Non-refundable)
NCWG members: $25.00 (for up to 2 items).
Non-NCWG members: $35.00 (for up to 2 items).
Additional entries $10.00 per item (for both NCWG members and non-members).
Download Prospectus: www.fortnet.org/FiberCelebration2015Prospectus.pdf
Current information can be found at www.fortnet.org/ncwg, including a link to the online entry form (available about Feb. 1, 2015)
Pieces representing fiber media of all types are welcome, including weaving, spinning, dyeing, basketry, sculpture, felting, quilting, papermaking, knitting, crocheting, and embroidery.
All fiber artists may submit as many entries as desired. All items must be original, not executed under supervision, and completed within the last two years. Misrepresented items will be returned.
A. Functional Two & Three Dimensional - Household pieces meant to be used, such as rugs, coverlets, table linens, handspun yarn (for handspun yarn, state use).
B. Non-Functional Two Dimensional - Flat pieces emphasizing decorative and/or expressive ideas.
C. Non-Functional Three Dimensional - Pieces designed to occupy space, emphasizing decorative and/or expressive ideas.
D. Wearable -Garments or yardage designed to be worn (for yardage, state use).
E. Wearable Accessories (*new)– Purses, scarves, jewelry, hats, gloves, belts, etc.
Judging will be based on aesthetics, originality, craftsmanship, and suitability of technique and materials. If functional, the piece will also be judged on its appropriateness to purpose. The juror reserves the right to reclassify the piece if needed. All pieces must be less than 4 ft. x 5 ft. when hung.
Juror: Susan Wilson
Entry Fee (Non-refundable)
NCWG members: $25.00 (for up to 2 items).
Non-NCWG members: $35.00 (for up to 2 items).
Additional entries $10.00 per item (for both NCWG members and non-members).
Download Prospectus: www.fortnet.org/FiberCelebration2015Prospectus.pdf
Current information can be found at www.fortnet.org/ncwg, including a link to the online entry form (available about Feb. 1, 2015)
Singer songwriter in Midtown
Dec 5, 2014 at 7:30 PM
Seeing is Believing Cheryl Wheeler has to be seen to be appreciated. Nothing you read and nothing you hear from her album prepares you for how good a performer she is. From her albums you can tell that she is a gifted songwriter with a beautiful voice. From other people's comments about her you can learn that she is a natural story teller with a fantastic sense of humor. But until you see her in person, you never really believe what you've been told about her. See for yourself!
Sunday, November 23, 2014
What did you do this weekend?
Tell me about it! this blog is about what you think of the Arts in Fort Collins....did you go to the opening of Insight/Insite? See everything at Spring Awakening? Tap your toes at Susessical? What did I miss? Send me your opinion and I will publish them here. A few sentences is all it takes to become a part of this community forum! Send your input here.
Are you Fun and Funky enough?
Please join us and over 50 very talented artists for the 13th annual “Fine & Funky”art shows!! This is a unique gift boutique featuring over 50 of Fort Collins finest group of eclectic artisans. Please note that in addition to our fine and Funky Show on Dec 5th the evening also hosts the First Friday Gallery Walk, and Carolfest.
Dec 5th: 5-9 pm
Dec 6th: 10am-6pm
There will be very different gifts for the “artsy” one on your list including: jewelry, pottery, original fine art, reproductions, garden art and much more original cool stuff. This is the 13th year for the Fine & Funky Boutique with some of the most cutting edge local artists-and entertainment
The show is free and open to the public. For more information or to participate as a vendor, call Maggie Kunze at 970-420-4072.
Michelle Venus nails it
Do you hear this? Valuing Art makes a community better! Read all about it here
Friday, November 21, 2014
International Call for Entries | On Beauty with Juror Kathleen Clark
THEME | On Beauty
Who or what is considered beautiful varies from person to person and culture to culture. Explore the variety of ways that beauty and it’s interpretations exist in the world. We welcome all artist interpretations on this theme. All capture types and photographic processes are eligible to submit.
For more info click here
Who or what is considered beautiful varies from person to person and culture to culture. Explore the variety of ways that beauty and it’s interpretations exist in the world. We welcome all artist interpretations on this theme. All capture types and photographic processes are eligible to submit.
Entries due:
November 25, 2014Notice of acceptance:
December 12, 2014Exhibition dates:
Mar. 6 - Apr. 17, 2015Public/Artists' reception:
Mar. 6, 2015 6-8 pmFor more info click here
IMAGINING THE PLANET: Arts & Environment
Wednesday, December 10, 2014
Avogadro's Number, 605 S. Mason St.
5:00pm - 6:30pm
Erika Osborne
Department of Art and Art History, CSU
Kurt Fausch
Department of Fish, Wildlife
and Conservation Biology, CSU
Sue Ellen Campbell
Department of English, CSU
Elizabeth Hobbs
Department of Horticulture and Landscape Architecture, CSU
Moderated by Gene Kelly,
Chair, Department of Soil and Crop Sciences and Associate Director for Research and Development, School of Global Environmental Sustainability.
As long as we have been a species, the arts have both recorded and helped shape our entanglement with the world around us, how we perceive and experience it, how we think and feel about it, and how we act. From the cave paintings of Chauvet to Robert Smithson's Spiral Jetty earthwork and James Balog's photos and videos, from Pliny's natural history to Jane Hirshfield's and Gary Snyder's poems, from Thoreau's experiment in mindful living to the Futurefarmers art collective and permaculture design, we have poured into the arts our deepest desires and imaginings, our memories and understandings, our fears and hopes, and much of what we have learned about our planet.
And now? What have the arts to offer us as we face our planet's uncertain and troubled future? How can occupying the spaces between the arts and the sciences help us see, feel, think, and move forward?
The School of Global Environmental Sustainability Managing the Planet Panel Series is held each month during the academic year and is free and open to the public. For questions regarding the series or current panel, please contact Michael Streight at Michael.Streight@ColoState.edu or call (970) 491-1423.
Avogadro's Number, 605 S. Mason St.
5:00pm - 6:30pm
Erika Osborne
Department of Art and Art History, CSU
Kurt Fausch
Department of Fish, Wildlife
and Conservation Biology, CSU
Sue Ellen Campbell
Department of English, CSU
Elizabeth Hobbs
Department of Horticulture and Landscape Architecture, CSU
Moderated by Gene Kelly,
Chair, Department of Soil and Crop Sciences and Associate Director for Research and Development, School of Global Environmental Sustainability.
As long as we have been a species, the arts have both recorded and helped shape our entanglement with the world around us, how we perceive and experience it, how we think and feel about it, and how we act. From the cave paintings of Chauvet to Robert Smithson's Spiral Jetty earthwork and James Balog's photos and videos, from Pliny's natural history to Jane Hirshfield's and Gary Snyder's poems, from Thoreau's experiment in mindful living to the Futurefarmers art collective and permaculture design, we have poured into the arts our deepest desires and imaginings, our memories and understandings, our fears and hopes, and much of what we have learned about our planet.
And now? What have the arts to offer us as we face our planet's uncertain and troubled future? How can occupying the spaces between the arts and the sciences help us see, feel, think, and move forward?
The School of Global Environmental Sustainability Managing the Planet Panel Series is held each month during the academic year and is free and open to the public. For questions regarding the series or current panel, please contact Michael Streight at Michael.Streight@ColoState.edu or call (970) 491-1423.
Thursday, November 20, 2014
Caleb Crain at Blue Skies Brewery
Caleb Crain is a Colorado based singer/songwriter who makes music with
his voice, guitar, and sometimes other stuff as well. Acoustic stylings
ensue. Friday, November 21, 2014 - 7:00pm - 9:00pm at Blue Skies Winery, 251 Jefferson St, Fort Collins, CO
Free mini-classes the month of December at Mama Said Sew
These are absolutely free and fun and fast! No need to sign up or RSVP.
In each mini class, I will show a sample of each step. If you are
inspired by the project, then we invite you to sew one up in our
workroom! And of course we'll give you a pattern or link to a
blog/tutorial for each project.
Self Binding Napkins - Friday 12 /5 AND Saturday 12/13 at 2pm
Sew Together Bag - Saturday 12/6 at 12pm, 2 pm, and 3pm
The One Yard Pillowcase - Thursday 12/11 at 12pm
Super Simple Stocking - Friday 12/12 at 12pm AND Saturday 12/13 at 3pm
Paper Pieced Christmas Tree Block - Thursday 12/18 at 12pm AND Saturday 12/20 at 12pm
Cluck Cluck Pin Cushion - Friday 12/19 at 12pm AND Saturday 12/20 at 2pm
Gift Wrapping Ideas - Saturday 12/20 at 3pm
Artspace Loveland Lofts Residential Application Process Begins December 1, 2014
The Loveland Housing Authority will begin accepting applications on December 1, 2014 at 8:00 a.m. This is a first-come, first-reviewed process. Applications will be date- and time-stamped in the order they are received.
The order the applications are received only creates the order in which the applications will be reviewed by the Loveland Housing Authority, and does not guarantee approval.
Most important, applicants must income-qualify. Once applicants are deemed income-qualified, preference will be given in the following order:
Local artist (living in area code 80537 or 80538)
Non-local artist
Local non-artist
Non-local non-artist
Next Steps
Once your application has been received, logged, and accepted, interviews will be initiated by the Loveland Housing Authority and will take place February 2015. You will be contacted directly by Loveland Housing Authority. The purpose of the initial interview is to help prepare applicants for the federal certification process that includes submittal and review of household income and assets.
The federal certification process will begin ninety (90) days before construction completion. This exact date is to be determined. However, because we are anticipating construction completion at the end of April 2015, it is reasonable to estimate the federal certification process beginning in February 2015.
(NOTE: these anticipated dates are subject to change. Additional information related to exact dates will be distributed as we get closer to the date of completion.)
You can obtain an application by:
Visiting Loveland Housing Authority at 375 W. 37th Street, Suite 200, Loveland CO 80538
Visiting Loveland Housing Authority's website at lovelandhousing.org
Calling 970-667-3232
Applications can be submitted in person or by mailing them to Loveland Housing Authority at the address above.
Date/Time: December 1, 2014 at 8:00 a.m. Reviewed in order received.
Call Angie at the Loveland Housing Authority at 970-635-5926.
Unit floor plans are now available online
The Artspace Loveland Lofts page on the Artspace website has a bevy of information to get you started, including:
Floor plans
Unit plans
Rent tables
Income limits
Artist Selection FAQ
Visit the Property Details tab here.
The order the applications are received only creates the order in which the applications will be reviewed by the Loveland Housing Authority, and does not guarantee approval.
Most important, applicants must income-qualify. Once applicants are deemed income-qualified, preference will be given in the following order:
Local artist (living in area code 80537 or 80538)
Non-local artist
Local non-artist
Non-local non-artist
Next Steps
Once your application has been received, logged, and accepted, interviews will be initiated by the Loveland Housing Authority and will take place February 2015. You will be contacted directly by Loveland Housing Authority. The purpose of the initial interview is to help prepare applicants for the federal certification process that includes submittal and review of household income and assets.
The federal certification process will begin ninety (90) days before construction completion. This exact date is to be determined. However, because we are anticipating construction completion at the end of April 2015, it is reasonable to estimate the federal certification process beginning in February 2015.
(NOTE: these anticipated dates are subject to change. Additional information related to exact dates will be distributed as we get closer to the date of completion.)
You can obtain an application by:
Visiting Loveland Housing Authority at 375 W. 37th Street, Suite 200, Loveland CO 80538
Visiting Loveland Housing Authority's website at lovelandhousing.org
Calling 970-667-3232
Applications can be submitted in person or by mailing them to Loveland Housing Authority at the address above.
Date/Time: December 1, 2014 at 8:00 a.m. Reviewed in order received.
Call Angie at the Loveland Housing Authority at 970-635-5926.
Unit floor plans are now available online
The Artspace Loveland Lofts page on the Artspace website has a bevy of information to get you started, including:
Floor plans
Unit plans
Rent tables
Income limits
Artist Selection FAQ
Visit the Property Details tab here.
Wednesday, November 19, 2014
Live Music at the Dome Club
This month the Fort Collins Museum of Discovery's Dome Club will have a very special guest, local musician Graham Ewing.
Along with Graham's live performance they will also have an exciting
variety of musically themed fulldome short films. So stay warm and join
us on November 20th at 7pm for Dome Club!
Graham Ewing is a solo instrumental guitarist from Colorado who performs with the guitar in a unique style, producing familiar music genres ranging from blues, to ambient, to jazz. He originally taught himself the acoustic guitar, employing alternative tunings and two handed percussive techniques, thus giving the impression of a full band emanating from one guitar.
He has also incorporated an electric guitar set-up involving the use of a recording device, which enables live recorded tracks to build a one-man-band performance. His performances gradually shift from one song to the next via improvised transitions, thus allowing an atmosphere of dynamic music, without abrupt musical interchanges.
for more info visit the Dome Club Facebook page
Graham Ewing is a solo instrumental guitarist from Colorado who performs with the guitar in a unique style, producing familiar music genres ranging from blues, to ambient, to jazz. He originally taught himself the acoustic guitar, employing alternative tunings and two handed percussive techniques, thus giving the impression of a full band emanating from one guitar.
He has also incorporated an electric guitar set-up involving the use of a recording device, which enables live recorded tracks to build a one-man-band performance. His performances gradually shift from one song to the next via improvised transitions, thus allowing an atmosphere of dynamic music, without abrupt musical interchanges.
for more info visit the Dome Club Facebook page
Do you sew?
The Contemporary Dance Academy is looking for some volunteers who sew to help with the costumes for their upcoming Nutcracker.
"The help I need is with minor things like: sewing numbers into costumes and documenting the costume size & number for the inventory; making Arabian headpieces; checking costumes to make sure they are stage ready ~ looking for stains, loose threads and anything else I might have missed and cutting out red felt "cheeks" for the soldiers, dolls and soldier dolls ~ cutting out cheeks could be done at your home at your convenience, we need at least 125 of them by the dress rehearsal on 12/13/14! I would like to have all this done by 12/6/14 if possible. If you have some time this week or next (I know Thanksgiving is coming and everyone will be busy with that, I'll be in town though if you want to try to do something then) please let me know and we'll figure out times that would work for you."
If you can lend them a hand, please contact Laura Elkin here
"The help I need is with minor things like: sewing numbers into costumes and documenting the costume size & number for the inventory; making Arabian headpieces; checking costumes to make sure they are stage ready ~ looking for stains, loose threads and anything else I might have missed and cutting out red felt "cheeks" for the soldiers, dolls and soldier dolls ~ cutting out cheeks could be done at your home at your convenience, we need at least 125 of them by the dress rehearsal on 12/13/14! I would like to have all this done by 12/6/14 if possible. If you have some time this week or next (I know Thanksgiving is coming and everyone will be busy with that, I'll be in town though if you want to try to do something then) please let me know and we'll figure out times that would work for you."
If you can lend them a hand, please contact Laura Elkin here
UPDATE: AVERY PARK INCIDENT INVESTIGATION from the Fort Collins Police Department
"On August 7, 2014 at approximately 12:58 a.m., Fort Collins Police received a 911 call about an adult male found semi-conscious in the front yard of a home in the 1900 block of Oakwood Drive in the City of Fort Collins. The injured male was identified as being Keith Jentzsch. Since receiving the 911 call, Fort Collins Police Services, in collaboration with the Larimer County District Attorney’s Office, has been actively investigating the incident which resulted in serious injuries to Mr. Jentzch. As part of their investigation, Fort Collins Police Services has enlisted the services of the Colorado Bureau of Investigations Forensic Crime Laboratory. As a result of this investigation, the individuals involved in the incident have been identified. However, at the present time insufficient admissible evidence exists that would sustain the filing of criminal charges. There is no reason to believe that any of the identified individuals involved pose a threat to the public’s safety. While it is believed that all viable investigative leads have been exhausted, the case remains open and Fort Collins Police Services will continue to investigate should additional information become available. "
Frustrating. They know who the perps are, but cannot get enough evidence. Justice denied.
Feel helpless? Want to help? you can donate to Keith's medical expenses here.
Tuesday, November 18, 2014
Local Arts coverage on RMPBS
Have you checked out the "Arts District" show on Rocky Mountain PBS? It airs Thursdays at 7:30pm and Fridays at 2pm on Rocky Mountain PBS. I enjoy the show, but wish it had more programming on local artists. The format is one segment on a Colorado artist, and several from other parts of the country. Some of these segments are a little unprofessional and annoying. The last "Arts District" I watched featured wonderful crochet work or portraits by Oregon Artist Jo Hamilton. her work is playful, that is what makes it appealing to me, but the producer seemed to be condescending about her choice of materials and technique. This is hardly helpful to get the larger audience to appreciate her work. Other than that, I am glad Rocky Mountain PBS is giving time on it's schedule to concentrate on the arts.
Providing time on the schedule is especially nice because RMPBS doesn't show two of my favorite Artist programs on their station. They are "Craft in America" and "Art 21" although, with the magic of the interwebs, you can watch both of them online. here and here.
With that said, I did find out that Friday night, Great Performances will show Cats on RMPBS. So, that is pretty cool and arty.
Providing time on the schedule is especially nice because RMPBS doesn't show two of my favorite Artist programs on their station. They are "Craft in America" and "Art 21" although, with the magic of the interwebs, you can watch both of them online. here and here.
With that said, I did find out that Friday night, Great Performances will show Cats on RMPBS. So, that is pretty cool and arty.
Gary Hixon Open Studio
From the Hixon clan, an open studio featuring Gary Hixon's beautiful jewelry
"Join Gary this Saturday, November 22, from 10 to 4 in The Studio, 3035 W. County Road 38E. We'll have cider and Gary has a myriad, no a plethora, or at a least a large number of new items. He's been making bracelets and earrings in addition to necklaces"
"Join Gary this Saturday, November 22, from 10 to 4 in The Studio, 3035 W. County Road 38E. We'll have cider and Gary has a myriad, no a plethora, or at a least a large number of new items. He's been making bracelets and earrings in addition to necklaces"
Monday, November 17, 2014
Native Now
'Native Now Contemporary Arts from today’s Native American Artists'
highlights some exciting Native American artists, both up and coming
and established, in our newly renovated Duhesa Gallery. Curated by
Melanie Yazzie, professor of printmaking at CU Boulder, this exhibition
hosts prints, paintings, and sculptures from across the country. Come
out to the Lory Student Center on Thursday, November 6th at 6:30pm
to celebrate both the exhibition and the opening of the Native American
Cultural Center.
to celebrate both the exhibition and the opening of the Native American
Cultural Center.
Mural makes it through
When I went to the newly renovated Lory Student center last month to drop off my work for the Contemporary Colorado exhibit, I was amazed by the transformation of the building, lots of glass, way more open and understandable as to where you are and where you want to go....One happy surprise was seeing the beautiful mosaic mural had been kept as an integral part of the front stair case. Digging around a bit, I found an article written by Allison on the CSU Revitalization Blog she covers the history of the mural and is as excited as I am that it is still gracing the halls of the Lory Student Center.
"The Venetian glass mosaic mural is almost three stories high and was crafted by Boulder artists Amy Hamouda and Jack Bice. Though the mosaic was designed in Boulder, it was developed in California and was eventually laid on their living room floor. The intention of the mosaic was for it to be a unified, three-tiered experience. According to Dorothy Bridaham, who wrote about this beautiful mosaic when it first appeared in the ’60s, the mosaic, “leaves one with a feeling of pleasure and uplifted spirits…you just need to step outdoors to get it.”
The sad thing is, I can't find much about either artist on the internet. Jack was a WWII vet and studied at UC in boulder. I find even less about his wife, Amy Hamouda. I don't know if they have passed away or are no longer practicing art. It makes you think about legacy and how our art can continue to inspire long after the piece is complete.
Sunday, November 16, 2014
Music District in the works in former Garment District space
Developed by the Bohemian Foundation, this space will provide practice space for musicians in Fort Collins. My question, how can we include other arts in this innovative space? local art on the walls? Artists creating album cover art? Creative catering? Improv night? Outdoor stage?
what do you think?
Read the story here
what do you think?
Read the story here
Fiberarts archive now at CSU's Morgan Library
Editorial archives of Fiberarts magazine have been donated to the Morgan Library Archives & Special Collections at Colorado State University in Fort Collins. If you know researchers and scholars who might be interested, please share these links:
Saturday, November 15, 2014
Vivid talk in a snowstorm
Jennie Kiessling, Jill P. Mott, and Laurie Beth Zuckerman will be on a panel discussion this Saturday, November 15, 1:30 to 3pm at the Community Creative Center. Jeanne Shoaff, coordinator of the Lincoln Center Galleries, will be the moderator of these talks about their artistic motivations.
This is part of a curated exhibition of eleven Colorado artists, "Vivid Conversations" at the Carnegie Building's Community Creative Center in Old Town Fort Collins.m The show is ending at 6 pm this Saturday, and the CCC is open from 12-6 pm through the 15th.
Lincoln center honors Jack Curfman
The Lincoln Center will recognize Jack Curfman for more than 35 years of creative exhibition design in the art galleries. On Friday, November 21st at 5:45 p.m., we will unveil his portrait, which will hang in the Recognition Hallway. Please join us to hear remarks and to congratulate Jack on his remarkable service at the Lincoln Center.
The public is welcome. Please feel free to share this invitation.
The public is welcome. Please feel free to share this invitation.
Friday, November 14, 2014
Artist Bookmobile
The lovely Alicia Bailey of the Abecedarian Gallery in Denver is looking to take her show on the road. She has developed a program to take her wonderful Artists books on the road and she is looking for venues in Northern Colorado! Please visit her indegogo site and learn more about this exciting program. If you have any suggestions of venues that would be interested in hosting the 'Artist Bookmobile' please email Alicia.
Open Letter to Galleries that Host Group Exhibits
Dear Galleries that Host Group Exhibits,
If I send you a piece from far away and I cannot attend the opening, please send me a few photos of the installation. This is especially appreciated if #1 I spent money on an entry fee to said exhibit #2 I paid for shipping of my work to and from said gallery #3 There is no monetary awards given to pieces in the exhibit.
If I don't have an image, how do I know you even unpacked the piece and exhibited it?
You would be surprised how many Galleries do not send me images of the installation, even after I have asked. How hard is it to take a few snapshots with your phone? I would think it would be good to have for your own records as well as be appreciated by the artists being exhibited.
If we all, as artists expect images of the installation, it will become part of the process.
What do you think? Is this asking too much?
If I send you a piece from far away and I cannot attend the opening, please send me a few photos of the installation. This is especially appreciated if #1 I spent money on an entry fee to said exhibit #2 I paid for shipping of my work to and from said gallery #3 There is no monetary awards given to pieces in the exhibit.
If I don't have an image, how do I know you even unpacked the piece and exhibited it?
You would be surprised how many Galleries do not send me images of the installation, even after I have asked. How hard is it to take a few snapshots with your phone? I would think it would be good to have for your own records as well as be appreciated by the artists being exhibited.
If we all, as artists expect images of the installation, it will become part of the process.
What do you think? Is this asking too much?
Open Stage Presents "Spring Awakening"
Music by Duncan Sheik, Book and Lyrics by Steven Sater
Directed by Candice Ingold
November 1 – November 29 Lincoln Center Magnolia Theatre
Winner of 8 Tony Awards including Best Musical!
“A fresh breeze of true inspiration – ambitious and alluring….” – The New York Times
An explosive celebration of youth and rebellion reveals a group of secondary school students on their passage through teenage self-discovery. Three friends, Wendla, Moritz, and Melchior explore their changing minds and bodies despite the wishes of elders and the pressures of a bourgeois society. Based on the controversial 1891 play by Frank Wedekind, this expressionistic rock musical exposes the thought-obliterating joys of sex, animalistic impulses toward violence, and the grappling desire to break free from social constrictions during the tempestuous years of adolescence.
As always, please feel free to review this show for my blog. Just a short paragraph on your response to the performance. email your review to elmorisette@gmail.com
Music by Duncan Sheik, Book and Lyrics by Steven Sater
Directed by Candice Ingold
November 1 – November 29 Lincoln Center Magnolia Theatre
Winner of 8 Tony Awards including Best Musical!
“A fresh breeze of true inspiration – ambitious and alluring….” – The New York Times
An explosive celebration of youth and rebellion reveals a group of secondary school students on their passage through teenage self-discovery. Three friends, Wendla, Moritz, and Melchior explore their changing minds and bodies despite the wishes of elders and the pressures of a bourgeois society. Based on the controversial 1891 play by Frank Wedekind, this expressionistic rock musical exposes the thought-obliterating joys of sex, animalistic impulses toward violence, and the grappling desire to break free from social constrictions during the tempestuous years of adolescence.
As always, please feel free to review this show for my blog. Just a short paragraph on your response to the performance. email your review to elmorisette@gmail.com
Fort Collins in Loveland, imagine!
Hooray for the Fort Collins Symphony Orchestra! Taking the show on the road to Loveland. I wish Fort Collins and Loveland did more of this 'cross pollination'. Here is more information about the event
11/14/2014 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
Loveland Museum/Gallery
503 N. Lincoln Ave.
Loveland, Colorado 80537
503 N. Lincoln Ave.
Loveland, Colorado 80537
Enjoy intimate performances by members of the Fort Collins Symphony Orchestra while taking in the art exhibition featured in the Main Gallery. This event is held in conjunction with Night on the Town.
Thursday, November 13, 2014
Art & Soul
the Greeley Art Commission as it honors the life and accomplishments of
longtime Greeley arts activist Jil Rosentrater with the dedication of
Art & Soul, a distinctive set of marble sculptures by Madeline Wiener. The Art & Soul dedication will take place on
Thursday, November 20, at 6pm at the Union Colony Civic Center, 701 10th Avenue.
For 25
years, Rosentrater worked as the City of Greeley's director of cultural
affairs. She was a key-player in the development of the Union Colony Civic Center and took part in the creation of Greeley's public art
program, Centennial Village, the Greeley Historic Preservation Board,
and the library district. From
2004 to 2006, Rosentrater was the executive director of Art Reach Inc.,
and in 2006 she became the Director of Art in Public Places for the State of Colorado. Rosentrater passed away in 2013. She was 65.
Wiener, the artist who sculpted Art & Soul, is known throughout the
United States for her contemporary, abstract stone figures. This
sculpture will be the first of its kind in the City of Greeley.
For more information about the Art & Soul dedication, please call 970-350-9450.
Buy some Pots for the holidays!
Northern Colorado Potters Guild and Studio Annual Holiday Show and Sale
Where: 209 Christman Drive
Fort Collins, CO 80524
When: November 14, 5-9pm
November 15, 10-4pm
November 16, 12-3pm
What: This event is our pride and joy, with every nook and cranny of the guild cleaned to perfection, we proudly display work for sale from over thirty guild members. It’s a great time of year when we’re all feeling festive and want to give the gift of handmade pottery to our friends and loved ones. Come enjoy live music, a little food and drink, and mingle with your favorite local potters.
Where: 209 Christman Drive
Fort Collins, CO 80524
When: November 14, 5-9pm
November 15, 10-4pm
November 16, 12-3pm
What: This event is our pride and joy, with every nook and cranny of the guild cleaned to perfection, we proudly display work for sale from over thirty guild members. It’s a great time of year when we’re all feeling festive and want to give the gift of handmade pottery to our friends and loved ones. Come enjoy live music, a little food and drink, and mingle with your favorite local potters.
International Community Arts
The evening includes presentations by Emelie Borello, Carrie Care, Garrett Mynatt, and Samantha Rose and will be followed by a Q&A session. ToNight! At the UCA room 142. At 5:00.
Wednesday, November 12, 2014
Are you a poet, and you know it?
Colorado Creative Industries announced today that registration is now open to participate in the state Poetry Out Loud competition, a program that encourages high school students to learn about poetry through memorization, performance and competition. From Fall 2014 through Spring 2015, high school students are invited to participate in classroom and school-wide contests, advancing to a state finals competition on March 3, 2015. State champions will advance to the National Finals, which will take place on April 28-29, 2015 in Washington, DC.
Poetry Out Loud seeks to foster the next generation of literary readers by capitalizing on the latest trends in poetry: recitation and performance. Students can master public speaking skills, build self-confidence, and learn about their literary heritage. More than 365,000 students from around the nation took part in the 2013-2014 Poetry Out Loud program. Thornton High School's Alice Kilduff was selected as the 2014 Colorado Poetry Out Loud champion and represented the state in the 2014 National Finals in Washington, DC.
The state champion will receive $200 and an all-expenses-paid trip to Washington, D.C. to compete for the national championship. The state winner's school will receive a $500 stipend for the purchase of poetry books. One runner-up will receive $100, with $200 for his or her school library. Poetry Out Loud will award a total of $50,000 in awards and school stipends at the National Finals, including a $20,000 prize for the Poetry Out Loud National Champion.
The program offers free curriculum materials including online poetry anthologies, a teacher's guide with sample lesson plans, and a learning recitation DVD. Program materials are available for download at www.poetryoutloud.org. To register online visit https://www.eventbrite. com/e/poetry-out-loud- registration-13617045951. For more information, contact Rachael Deagman at deagmanpol@gmail.com or 720 -253-3337
Poetry Out Loud is presented by Colorado Creative Industries and sponsored by the National Endowment for the Arts and the Poetry Foundation.
Oh, The Things You Can Think!
Seussical The Musical will run November 21st-23rd at the Lincoln Center. It is being directed by Dulcie Willis with musical direction by Aimee Woods. With a cast of over 30, and only a handful of spoken lines, it is truly a work of art, energy and musicianship!
To learn more about the show and join the fun conversation on Facebook, please visit us at: https://www.facebook.com/ FortCollinsChildrensTheatre or at the show event page at:
Tickets and showtimes are listed on the Lincoln Center website at:
http://tickets.lctix.com/ eventperformances.asp?evt=610
Also, if you would like an up close look at the Production during tech week, send me an email. I would love a community member to write up a little post about the process of bringing a show like this together.
Also, if you would like an up close look at the Production during tech week, send me an email. I would love a community member to write up a little post about the process of bringing a show like this together.
Jerry's Artarama Painting classes
Upcoming Golden Acrylic Workshops at Jerry's Artarama
Date: Saturday, November 15, 2014
Time: 10:30a-3:00p
Fee: 75.00 includes all Golden Paints and mediums
Register: Morrison.mary@live.com
Date: Friday, November 21, 2014
Time: 10:30a-3:00p
Fee: 75.00 includes all Golden Paints and mediums
Register: Morrison.mary@live. com
Space is limited, register today!www.jerrysartaramacolorado.com
Jerry's Artarama
3524 South Mason Street
Fort Collins, CO 80525
Tuesday, November 11, 2014
Gilhooly Holiday
Local Artist Barbara Gilhooly recently went to North Carolina to do more design work for Michaelian Home. They have beautiful hand hooked rugs and pillows and she has added
the holiday line and 'Bloomer' Pillows of her designs on her mkt.com/barbara-gilhooly
online store.
Check it out!
Friday night dance
This week, the CSU Fall Dance Concert opens Friday, Nov. 14, at 8 p.m. in the University Dance Theatre. This program features the work of Judy Bejarano, who has been on the dance faculty at Colorado State University since 1990, teaching improvisation, choreography, and modern technique. She is also well known for her innovative productions as the artistic director of IMPACT Dance Company, a dance/theater company whose performances speak to issues in our everyday lives. Read all about the performance here.
Dome heads, unite!
From the Fort Collins Museum of Discovery, the line up for the November 20th Dome club.
"Greetings Dome-Heads! Well, it seems that fall has officially skipped over us and we are now in winter mode, but that's okay because we have some great things for you to see under the dome! This month we have a very special guest, local musician Graham Ewing. Along with Graham's live performance we will also have an exciting variety of musically themed fulldome short films. So stay warm and join us on November 20th at 7pm for Dome Club!"
"Greetings Dome-Heads! Well, it seems that fall has officially skipped over us and we are now in winter mode, but that's okay because we have some great things for you to see under the dome! This month we have a very special guest, local musician Graham Ewing. Along with Graham's live performance we will also have an exciting variety of musically themed fulldome short films. So stay warm and join us on November 20th at 7pm for Dome Club!"
Monday, November 10, 2014
by Kate Forgach
MUMMENSCHANZ’s “The Musicians of Silence” show came to the Lincoln Center Wednesday and delighted an audience packed with giggling children and their equally appreciative adult counterparts.
For 42 years, the Swiss company has performed its surrealistic form of dance using puppetry, masks and lights and shadows. What MUMMENSCHANZ does is difficult to describe, but incredibly easy to grasp, once seen.
Giggle, chortles and cheers filled the Main Performance Hall as the dancers contorted their bodies inside giant slinkies, stretched clay masks into a variety of recognizable images, or manipulated giant hands to start the show.
I’ve now seen MUMMENSCHANZ perform three times and have to admit I was disappointed to find they were performing almost identical choreography for the third time. I’d hoped for something fresh; specifically something as fresh as when I first saw them in a tiny New Orleans theatre more than 35 years ago with an audience primarily composed of dance snobs and critics.
It was a bit sad to see the company, founded in Paris in 1972, still replicating their original gigs. On the other hand, it was delightful to see so many youngsters simply appreciating, instead of analyzing. To that I say giggle on, MUMMENSCHANZ. -For more reviews, listen to Kate Forgach's Tattle Tales on KRFC 88.9
MUMMENSCHANZ’s “The Musicians of Silence” show came to the Lincoln Center Wednesday and delighted an audience packed with giggling children and their equally appreciative adult counterparts.
For 42 years, the Swiss company has performed its surrealistic form of dance using puppetry, masks and lights and shadows. What MUMMENSCHANZ does is difficult to describe, but incredibly easy to grasp, once seen.
Giggle, chortles and cheers filled the Main Performance Hall as the dancers contorted their bodies inside giant slinkies, stretched clay masks into a variety of recognizable images, or manipulated giant hands to start the show.
I’ve now seen MUMMENSCHANZ perform three times and have to admit I was disappointed to find they were performing almost identical choreography for the third time. I’d hoped for something fresh; specifically something as fresh as when I first saw them in a tiny New Orleans theatre more than 35 years ago with an audience primarily composed of dance snobs and critics.
It was a bit sad to see the company, founded in Paris in 1972, still replicating their original gigs. On the other hand, it was delightful to see so many youngsters simply appreciating, instead of analyzing. To that I say giggle on, MUMMENSCHANZ. -For more reviews, listen to Kate Forgach's Tattle Tales on KRFC 88.9
PYCh at The Front Range Chamber Players Children’s Concert
November 22 @ 11:00 am - 2:30 pm. Council Tree Library, Fort Collins
The Coloradoan keeps screwing up.
Fort Collins local paper, The Coloradoan has fired their Arts&Entertainment reporter, Stacey Nick. Local Artists and art lovers can say goodbye to any kind of articles or reviews relating to the arts. To many, The Coloradoan was already a bit of a 'kitty box liner'. But, now, the paper has become a nonstarter when it comes to an active conversation and dialogue about the arts. On the other hand, I have spoken to directors of Arts venues in Fort Collins and they insist, coverage by the Coloradoan about a opening, artist talk, performance, etc. brought many more people out than when the paper did not cover their event. Regardless, this is yet another blow to Fort Collins' cultural community. good luck, Stacey. Go to a paper in a community that values you and the artists you cover.
Sunday, November 9, 2014
What does Marylin Monroe have to do with the Art Scene in Fort Collins?
In my opinion, absolutely nothing.
Not too early to think about what to do next Friday!
NOV 14 - DEC 31
The main gallery exhibit, "cerulean" featuring Artworks artist Tedi Jensen and guest artist Aimee Pickar opens November 14th (2nd Friday) from 6-9 pm. The artist reception is Friday, December 19th, from 6:30-8:30 pm at Artworks Loveland. Free admission - light refreshments served.
The "cerulean" exhibit theme is water. Our closeness to it, in some respects similar and others not, provoked the artists to create this collaborative exhibition. As you explore Cerulean, you will see organic shapes related to aquatic life and plants, textures that inhabit bodies of water, line that is repetitive and fluid, and colors that reveal the beauty of water in every realm. The artists celebrate its beauty and revel in the attraction of feel at one with it.
Artworks Loveland
Artworks Loveland
310 N. Railroad Ave.
Loveland, CO 80537
w: 970-663-5555
c: 970-689-9841
Friday, November 7, 2014
Talk to me about the state of the Arts
I will be helping out with the refreshments at tonight's First Friday Reception at the Community Creative Center in For Collins. Stop by and say, HI! Let me know what you think of the blog and what you would like to see more or less of. Hope to see you tonight!
Job opening at the Center for Fine Art Photography
The Center for Fine Art Photography is looking for a Programs Assistant. This is a paid part-time position, and we are looking for just the right person. Are you the right person?
Please go to the "Get Involved" page for the job description and instructions on how to apply.
Falling up tonight in Loveland
Abby R Powers, an Artist in Residence at Artworks Loveland has created a surreal installation at 310 Railroad Avenue. The installation is made of suspended silk pieces and looks wonderful. There will be an Artists Reception tonight, November 7, 5-8 pm : The Fishbowl, Artworks Loveland, 310 Railroad Ave
Thursday, November 6, 2014
Fiber Grads...get your work published
Fiber Art Now, international quarterly print and digital magazine for contemporary fiber arts and textiles, announces a call for works of fiber art by STUDENTS currently enrolled in undergraduate or graduate programs or RECENT GRADUATES of undergraduate/graduate programs. Please take the time to read the instructions closely. This call for art has an open theme. You are strongly encouraged to select your very best work. Each submission should consist of up to 4 images. It is advisable that the images you submit share a common theme and be representative of a body of work.
Eligibility: Students currently enrolled in BFA/MFA programs in the United States and internationally and those who graduated from BFA/MFA programs no more than 2 years ago.
Our editorial team will review all submissions received and may select your image(s) to feature in the magazine’s Spring 2015 issue. Your submission must include all of the following information (incomplete submissions or submissions that do not follow these guidelines will not be considered). Please email your submission toElenaRosenberg@FiberArtNow.net. Feel free to share this opportunity with your colleagues.
Small stuff wanted
Call for Entry: Small Works Show
December 5-20
Artists are asked to submit small works of art ... just right for gifts! All original artistic interpretations are welcome; contemporary, traditional, abstract, as are two- and three-dimensional pieces, including jewelry, as long as they are small (11”x14”). Gifts of art! Size counts for this ‘gift’ show.
Show dates: December 5 - 20, 2014
Show opening: Friday, December 5, 2014 6:00-9:00pm
Entry deadline: Monday, November 24th,
Entry form and prospectus can be found at: artistassoc.org.
Entry forms will also be available in the gallery for those who wish to pick
them up in advance for completion. They can be dropped off or mailed in.
If you are able to submit entries digitally, those will be accepted gladly.
**Early entries with photos may be used for advertising if sent in or dropped off by
November 20th by 5pm.
Entry fee: Members..........$30.00 for 5 pieces $6. each additional piece
Nonmembers....$35.00 for 5 pieces $6. each additional piece
Art delivery date: Friday, November 28, 11:00-5:00
Saturday, November 29, 11:00-5:00
Have questions: elkhollowfarm@msn.com
Artist’s Association of Northern Colorado
148 W. Oak Street, Fort Collins, Colorado 80524
Show dates: December 5 - 20, 2014
Show opening: Friday, December 5, 2014 6:00-9:00pm
Entry deadline: Monday, November 24th,
Entry form and prospectus can be found at: artistassoc.org.
Entry forms will also be available in the gallery for those who wish to pick
them up in advance for completion. They can be dropped off or mailed in.
If you are able to submit entries digitally, those will be accepted gladly.
**Early entries with photos may be used for advertising if sent in or dropped off by
November 20th by 5pm.
Entry fee: Members..........$30.00 for 5 pieces $6. each additional piece
Nonmembers....$35.00 for 5 pieces $6. each additional piece
Art delivery date: Friday, November 28, 11:00-5:00
Saturday, November 29, 11:00-5:00
Have questions: elkhollowfarm@msn.com
Artist’s Association of Northern Colorado
148 W. Oak Street, Fort Collins, Colorado 80524
Crossing Boundaries at CSU
In Crossing Boundaries: Episode One the University Art Museum invited faculty members from all departments in the College of Liberal Arts to select works of art that had meaning for teaching in their specialty areas and disciplines. The premise of the exhibition is that the visual arts are viable and potent resources for teaching across disciplines in the arts, humanities, social sciences and beyond. While Episode One focuses on the subject areas taught in the College of Liberal Arts, future episodes will crowd-source faculty throughout the University, demonstrating the importance of visual literacy across disciplines.
October 7 – December 19, 2014 at the University Center for the Arts, 1400 Remington Street, Fort Collins, CO,80524, United States
October 7 – December 19, 2014 at the University Center for the Arts, 1400 Remington Street, Fort Collins, CO,80524, United States
Local Artists in 'Incite Insight'
Congrats to local Artists Jennifer Davey, Jennifer Ivanovic, and Eldon Ward who will have work in 'Incite/Insight' the Lincoln Center’s National Juried Show. Incite Insight is a call to artists to
provoke/inspire/arouse a deeper understanding/vision/wisdom of the world
around us. Guest Juror Ivar Zeile, owner and director of the
award-winning Plus Gallery, one of Denver’s leading contemporary art
spaces, selected the work and will give out awards at he opening reception on Friday, November 21, 5-7pm. The show is up November 21, 2014 - January 3, 2015.
Good Day!
Local Artists Gale Whitman and
Bob Komiveshave written a beautiful book called "Good Day!"It is a great community project also involving superstar designer Becky Hawley. The project became reality due to a wonderful Community Funded Campaign.
In the coming weeks, we will be uploading a new web page that includes an easy way to purchase copies of the book for $18.50. We will alert you when the site is operational. In the meantime, stay tuned and follow our Facebook page for more frequent updates and teaser images of the book.
Want to see and learn more about us and the project? Visit Bob's blog or Gale's website,
Wednesday, November 5, 2014
Audition for Open Stage
Auditions for the final two shows of OpenStage Theatre's 2014-2015 season (Romeo and Juliet and Servant of Two Masters)
are scheduled for November 8 (Open Auditions), November 9 (Callbacks
and Company Auditions), and November 15 (Final Auditions). The full
Audition Schedule and Notes from the Directors on the Plays are
available here.
Looks Like Fun!
The Fort Collins Children's Theatre will perform Seussical The Musical for you at the new and improved Lincoln Center for the Performing and Visual Arts - Fort Collins, November 21st-23rd! Tickets are on sale now at: http://www.fcgov.com/lctix/show.php?id=677
Thank you for your support of children in the arts! Here is a sneak peek of rehersals with Director extrodinatre Dulcie Willis
Thank you for your support of children in the arts! Here is a sneak peek of rehersals with Director extrodinatre Dulcie Willis
creative job opening...
Job Opportunity: Magazine Publisher/Online/Mobile App Developer is
looking for a Junior Graphic/Production Designer in a fast paced
advertising environment. Please contact me at monika@campuspublishers.com. Part-time freelance to start.
Tuesday, November 4, 2014
Two weeks of 'Conversation'
Vivid Conversations; a show curated by Lili Francuz at the Community Creative Center at the Carnegie, 200 Mathews Street, Fort Collins.
Vivid Conversations will run for two weeks from November 5 through 15th. The Center is open Wednesday through Saturday, noon - 6pm. On the Saturdays we are hosting artist talks and a panel discussion moderated by Jeanne Shoaff, so come meet the artists and share in the conversation.
Artist Reception:
November 7, 6-9pm (First Friday)
Artist Talk:
Saturdays Nov. 8, 1:30-3pm
Panel Discussion: Nov. 15, 1:30-3pm
Participating artists:
Barbara Leyendecker
Thomas Mathies
Sonya PauKune
Cheryl Rogers
Laurie Beth Zuckerman
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